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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's A Wonderful Life

We are finally home! These past few days have been a little crazy for our new little family, trying to get used to being new parents but they have also been some of the happiest days Lance and I have ever had. David Marc is such a blessing to us and we can't believe how in love we are with him. It's crazy how you have an instant and overwhelming love for someone you just met! I would rather stare at him all day than do anything else!

Lance has been great putting up pictures of the last few days. I know he mentioned we had him on sunday at 3:31. It was actually a pretty good labor...if I can say that only having experienced this one! I have just heard so many stories, I feel like mine went very well. I went into labor at 9:30 saturday night. Well thats when the "real" contractions started. We were actually at a friends Christmas party playing one of my favorite games, catch phrase. And yes I got a little too excited sometimes and I would jump out of my seat up and down. I'm starting to think now that if we didn't go I might not have gone into labor that night. We were actually scheduled to be induced on monday morning because at my appointment the week before(my 38th week), they measured his head and it was at the 40 week measurment thanks to my side of the family! Gotta have room for the brains ya know. But I'm glad he came on his own. I couldn't sleep that night because the contractions started getting very regular and intense. I think we arrived at the hospital at 4 and was pretty miserable . After a few hours of waiting and watching The Office(yes I made sure that was packed in my hospital bag), the on-call doctor finally said ok you are far enough into labor and can stay but we're going to give you some Pitocin to speed this process along. On top of the contractions and the throwing up I was poked at proded a bunch of times with the IV needle(we got a brand new nurse who was shadowing another nurse for the labor...). Once the drugs and my doctor came on all was dandy! Doctor woke me up to push and out came David Marc 35 minutes later! Not too much damage done. We are very thankful all went well and that we have such a healthy little boy. I love being a new mommy!

Just a quick shot of the labor. This is most likely after the epidural...not much would make me smile otherwise

Car ride home from hospital

Little snuggers

Our first walk outside! I guess by his face he didn't really like it.

Daddy's having a rough time with no sleep

What a great Christmas present! It's a WONDERFUL life!


  1. Jenny Leigh! I am so excited for you! I was thinking about yall all day today wondering if that little guy had popped out yet! Congratulations Momma and Daddy! Miss you lady!
    ~Kelly Korte

  2. So cute! I love his outfit in the picture where you guys are taking him home from the hospital. I'm loving all the updates...you know people that are far away think about him all the time and want to see more and more pics! GOOD JOB on the posts!

  3. oh he is so cute!! dude u dont even look like you had a baby in the car picture going home :)
    love you guys and we are so glad everything went smoothly!

  4. Congrats! He's handsome. Glad everything went well

  5. Congratulations! You guys do good work. :o) Enjoy every minute because they grow up so fast! (And I second what Jenna said.)
